This group can be comprised of people who feel committed to the creation of the garden and have the time to devote to it, at least at this initial stage. Choose well-organized persons as garden coordinators Form committees to tackle specific tasks: funding and partnerships, youth activities, construction and communication.

Do a community asset assessment. What skills and resources already exist in the community that can aid in the garden’s creation? Contact local municipal planners about possible sites, as well as horticultural societies and other local sources of information and assistance. Look within your community for people with experience in landscaping and gardening.

Consider the amount of daily sunshine (vegetables need at least six hours a day), availability of water, and soil testing for possible pollutants. Find out who owns the land. Can the gardeners get a lease agreement for at least three years? Will public liability insurance be necessary?

Consider creating a special garden just for kids--including them is essential. Children are not as interested in the size of the harvest but rather in the process of gardening. A separate area set aside for them allows them to
explore the garden at their own speed.
The gardeners themselves devise the best ground rules. We are more willing to comply with rules that we have had a hand in creating. Ground rules help gardeners to know what is expected of them. Think of it as a code of behavior. Some examples of issues that are best dealt with by agreed upon rules are: dues, how will the money be used? How are plots assigned? Will gardeners share tools, meet regularly, handle basic maintenance?

Good communication ensures a strong community garden with active participation by all. Some ways to do this are: form a group chat, create an email list; install a rainproof bulletin board in the garden; have regular celebrations. Tip: COCG has a community chat app to stay in touch with your members and other gardeners throughout Tampa Bay.
What's most important is that Community gardens are all about creating and strengthening their communities.
- Credit to the American Community Gardening Association for developing this 10 step guide. You an also get a more detailed overview with ACGA Starting a Community Garden fact sheet.
- What is it like growing a garden at my home or in my community? Check out this interactive StoryMap from our friends at BlueGap.