The Coalition has partnered with The City of Tampa, through multiple channels, to establish a community garden friendly policy in Tampa.

Community Gardening Month

Community Gardening month was established in 2009 in Tampa, Florida and celebrated each April along with COCG’s Annual Grow Gardens Conference.

Community Garden Ordinance

A community garden ordinance was created in May 2011, thanks to the advocacy of co-founders Lena Young Green and Kitty Wallace. The community garden ordinance allows residents to establish community gardens in certain zones without needing government approval or a permit. While this was a huge step in the right direction, the Coalition is actively working with the City on revisions to continue to make community gardening, urban agriculture, and garden markets accessible to all.

Resilient Tampa

The Resilient Tampa Roadmap was developed by Mayor Jane Castor in 2021 to forge a stronger, more inclusive, and more resilient city, focused on opportunity for all Tampanians, Climate-Ready Infrastructure, Thriving Neighborhoods, and a Growing and Connected City. Coalition of Community Gardens is a part of this roadmap with a goal of expanding community gardens, increasing green space and access to nutritious foods.

USDA Grant/Community Gardening Policy

The City is leading the partnership between the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Coalition of Community Gardens (COCG), the University of Florida’s (UF) Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ Extension Office, and the USF’s Patel College of Global Sustainability through which we will:

  1. Establish community garden policy with City of Tampa
  2. Create an easy-to-use list of available land within City Limits

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Get Involved

Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just starting to dig in the dirt, we’re thrilled to have you join our gardening community. So grab your gloves and a sense of curiosity—there’s a place for you here, and we can’t wait to grow together!